The Garden

Blackland House, the home of Bayntun Flowers, is a small estate of ancient parkland and fields nestled at the foot of the Marlborough Downs in Wiltshire, and is named after the black, alluvial soil which we are fortunate enough to farm on. We operate a polycultural system, growing hundreds of different flowers throughout the season, in the walled gardens and rabbit and deer-proofed fields.

Because the soil is so fertile, it is relatively easy for us to farm organically, and we are fully certified with the Soil Association UK. Water for irrigation comes from a borehole, we keep bees to aid pollination, and our small team, led by head gardener Hannah Gardner, complete almost every task by hand in the most environmentally friendly way possible.

We believe in leading by example. We hope that what we do on our small farm will encourage others to join the movement toward ecologically sound and organic farming.

For opportunities to tour Blackland Park, visit our Garden Days page.